Criminal Defence

Types of Detention Orders: What You Should Know

Types of Detention Orders: What You Should Know

If you have been found guilty of a criminal offence, the Court may sometimes issue you with a Detention Order rather than sentence you to imprisonment. While similar to imprisonment in the sense that you will be confined to a certain place for a period...

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Types of Offences Involving Physical Assault

Types of Offences Involving Physical Assault

In legal speak, physical assault in Singapore is referred to as Voluntarily Causing Hurt and is defined under section 321 of the Penal Code. Voluntarily Causing Hurt covers actively and intentionally hurting someone, as well as acting in the knowledge...

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Common Questions About Singapore Criminal Law

Common Questions About Singapore Criminal Law

Singapore’s legal system is based on English common law, meaning that the majority of legal decisions are judge-made. Criminal law is one facet of our legal system, covering general criminal offenses such as assault, theft, extortion, grievous hurt, and...

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