Corruption and bribery offences are treated very seriously in Singapore because the country enjoys a well-deserved reputation for being corruption-free as the result of rigorous efforts and campaigns to combat and eradicate corruption in any form.

Corruption takes place when you receive, ask or give any gratification to induce a someone to do a favour with a corrupt intent. There are many types of gratification and common examples include money, sexual favours, properties, promises, services etc. Likewise, favours can take many different forms including asking for preferential treatment, inside or confidential information, special privileges, business opportunities and contracts etc.

In Singapore, the Prevention of Corruption act has extra-territorial effect which enables the authorities to prosecute Singapore nationals even if the corruption or bribery was committed overseas and not Singapore.

Speak with our Defence Lawyers today

If you would like to understand more about this subject and how the issues discussed in this article may affect you, get in touch with our lawyers today.

Typical fee structure

  • Basic - $4,500
  • Intermediate - $6,500
  • Advanced - $8,500


“I just want to send this note before the hearing tomorrow. Regardless of the outcome, I am very thankful to both of you for everything you’ve done for me. Especially to Mr. Wong, I’ll never forget how you took on my appeal case so quickly, at the juncture when I was mentally and emotionally distraught after my sentencing. The word “gratitude” is an understatement.”




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