Understanding Voluntarily Causing Hurt In Singapore

by 1 December 2023Knowledge & Insights

The term Voluntarily Causing hurt might sound somewhat complex. Still, its essence is straightforward and crucial in Singapore’s legal landscape. It revolves around intentionally inflicting physical harm or bodily pain on another person. Understanding the nuances of laws surrounding this act can be pivotal in a society that places high value on public safety and order.

This article aims to educate the general Singaporean audience on what Voluntarily Causing Hurt and Voluntarily Causing Grievous Hurt entail under Singapore’s Penal Code and the legal ramifications of such actions.


Voluntarily Causing Hurt Under Section 321 Of The Penal Code

Under Section 321 of the Penal Code, Voluntarily Causing hurt is defined as any act intended to cause hurt to another individual. “Hurt” in this context generally refers to any bodily pain that is not considered grievous as defined in the Penal Code section 319. In legal terms, a person guilty of this offence may face various penalties, depending on the severity and context.

Common examples of Voluntarily Causing hurt include slapping, punching, and even spitting on someone intending to inflict pain or harm. These instances often lead to minor injuries, but they are sufficient for a case to be brought before a criminal Court.

Voluntarily Causing Grievous Hurt Under Section 322 Of The Penal Code

Defined under Section 320 of the Penal Code, voluntarily causing grievous hurt refers to causing more severe injuries intentionally. These injuries often involve broken bones, disfigurement, or severe bodily pain or harm. The definition of “grievous hurt” being defined in Section 320 of the Penal code.

Examples of voluntarily causing grievous hurt can range from acid attacks to causing fractures with dangerous weapons. Such acts are considered more severe than causing minor injuries and, hence, carry steeper penalties. If a person is found guilty of this more serious offence, they may face imprisonment for a term that reflects the severity of the crime.


Elements Of The Crime

The specific elements that constitute the crime of Voluntarily Causing hurt is crucial for anyone who finds themselves either a victim or an accused in such cases. This section will break down the essential components like intention, the act of causing hurt, and what qualifies as grievous hurt, to give you a comprehensive understanding of what the law entails.

Intention Of Voluntary Crime

“Voluntarily” implies that the accused acted out of their free will and intended to cause harm. This is crucial in understanding the law as defined under the Penal Code.

Relevance Of Intent In Prosecution

Intent plays a significant role in criminal Court proceedings. A person found guilty of committing the act “voluntarily” is more likely to face severe penalties than someone who accidentally caused hurt.

What Qualifies As “Hurt”

According to the Penal Code, “hurt” is defined as causing bodily pain to another person. It could range from minor injuries like a bruise to more significant damage but falls short of grievous hurt.

Medical Evidence And Its Role

Medical evidence often plays an essential role in establishing the severity of the hurt caused. Documents or testimony from healthcare professionals can influence the Court’s decision.

Grievous Hurt And Severity Levels

“Grievous hurt” involves more severe injuries, such as bone fractures or permanent disfiguration, as specified under Section 320 of the Penal Code.


Aggravated Forms Of Voluntarily Causing Hurt

Certain actions elevate the offence of Voluntarily Causing hurt to a more serious crime under Singapore law, carrying more severe penalties. These aggravated forms can involve using dangerous weapons or the intent to deter a public servant from performing their duties.

Causing Harm With Dangerous Weapons

Using dangerous weapons to cause hurt adds another layer of severity to the offence. According to the Penal Code, the intentional use of such weapons to cause hurt may lead to heavier penalties than a similar crime committed without using a weapon.

Dangerous weapons could include knives and firearms to acid and other harmful chemicals. The law considers the act of causing hurt and the potential for the weapon to cause grievous hurt or even death. Thus, this offence is treated more strictly by the criminal Court, often leading to imprisonment for a term, heavier fines, or even corporal punishment such as caning.

Intent To Deter Public Servant From Doing His Duty

Another aggravated form of this offence occurs when the harm is caused with the specific intent to deter a public servant from doing their duty. Public servants include, but are not limited to, police officers, firefighters, and other government officials.

When a person found guilty of causing hurt has done so to prevent a public servant from performing their job, the criminal Court sees this as a grave offence that impacts not just the individual but also societal function and order. Therefore, the penalties for this form of Voluntarily Causing hurt are even more severe and can range from a longer term of imprisonment to more significant fines.

These forms of aggravated offences indicate higher criminal intent and societal risk, so they are punished more severely.


Penalties For Voluntarily Causing Hurt In Singapore

As with any criminal act, Voluntarily Causing hurt will incur different penalties depending on the severity. This can range from fines of a few thousands, to caning.

Fines: A person found guilty of Voluntarily Causing hurt may be subject to fines as stipulated by the Court, which can go up to 5,000 SGD.

Imprisonment: Imprisonment for a term may also be a penalty of up to 3 years but, it will depend on the severity of the crime and its circumstances.

Caning: In some cases, caning might be prescribed as punishment, especially in more severe cases.


Defences And Exceptions

As with any potential crimes, there are defences that one can employ to save them from incurring any fees or punishment. As long as these defences are valid and presented accordingly by a competent defence lawyer, the charges may be dropped or said penalties lessened.


When a person is accused of Voluntarily Causing Hurt or even Voluntarily Causing Grievous Hurt, self-defence is a commonly cited legal defence. According to the Penal Code, you may not be held criminally liable if you were defending yourself, your property, or another person from an immediate threat.

However, the force used must be proportionate to the threat. For example, using dangerous weapons in response to minor injuries could be considered disproportionate. It may not exonerate you in a criminal Court.


In some instances, consent from the victim can act as a defence. However, this is generally not applicable in cases of grievous hurt. The person’s consent must be informed and freely given. Even then, the Court may decide whether such consent mitigates the act of Voluntarily Causing hurt.

Injuries sustained in sports like boxing might fall under this category, where participants consent to some level of bodily pain but not to the extent of severe brain injuries.


Provocation is another defence that can be used in specific circumstances. If you were provoked into causing hurt, it might not absolve you of the crime but could potentially lessen the charges. However, this is generally ineffective for more serious cases, like Voluntarily Causing Grievous Hurt, especially when dangerous weapons are involved.


If the hurt caused was accidental and without any criminal intent, the person found guilty may be absolved or face lesser charges. However, for this defence to be effective, it must be proven that the accused took reasonable precautions and did not act negligently.

Not all defences apply universally to each case involving voluntarily causing or grievous hurt. For example, claiming self-defence against charges that involve dangerous weapons to deter a public servant may not hold up well in Court. The effectiveness of these defences is contingent upon the case’s specific facts, which will be closely examined in a criminal Court.


Social And Legal Implications: Why Understanding This Law Matters

The more the public is educated on what constitutes illegal forms of physical harm, the safer our communities will become. A widespread understanding of these laws can act as a deterrent against violent acts, foster greater responsibility, and facilitate peaceful conflict resolution methods.

Even if you think you’ll never be involved in a violent altercation, understanding the laws concerning Voluntarily Causing hurt can be crucial for protecting your rights.

Public Safety

Understanding the laws surrounding Voluntarily Causing Hurt is essential for maintaining public safety. Knowing the legal boundaries of physical altercations can serve as a deterrent against unnecessary violence.

Conflict Resolution

Being informed about this law can aid in conflict resolution. By knowing what constitutes hurt or grievous hurt, individuals are better equipped to resolve disputes without resorting to physical violence, thereby avoiding a term of imprisonment, more serious injuries, or other legal consequences.

Protecting Your Rights

Knowing your legal rights and the defences available to you is crucial if you’re ever involved in an incident where you’re accused of causing hurt. This knowledge can guide your actions, from collecting evidence to seeking qualified legal representation.

Importance Of Seeking Legal Advice

Given the complex nature of these laws, including various types of hurt, from minor injuries to grievous hurt, and the varying penalties that range from fines to imprisonment for a term, it is vital to consult a legal expert.

This is especially crucial if you’ve been accused of using dangerous weapons or trying to deter a public servant, as the penalties can be significantly severe.


Conclusion On Voluntarily Causing Hurt In Singapore

In summary, Singapore’s laws surrounding Voluntarily Causing Hurt are complex and multifaceted, covering everything from minor injuries to grievous hurt. With severe penalties, including imprisonment for a term and even corporal punishment, understanding these laws is crucial for public safety and individual legal protection.

Aggravated forms of causing hurt, such as using dangerous weapons or intending to deter a public servant, carry even stricter consequences and are treated as serious offences by the criminal Court.

Knowing the defences available, from self-defence to consent, is essential should you be entangled in a legal situation. But remember, consult a legal expert when in doubt to ensure you are making well-informed decisions.

If you or someone you know is facing legal issues related to causing hurt, don’t hesitate to engage with Tembusu Law. Our team of dedicated lawyers is here to provide you with the legal guidance you need, ensuring that you are well-represented and your rights are protected.


Frequently Asked Questions About Voluntarily Causing Hurt In Singapore

Is Emotional Or Psychological Hurt Covered Under The Voluntarily Causing hurt Law?

No, the Penal Code primarily deals with physical hurt. Emotional or psychological harm is generally not covered under the Voluntarily Causing hurt sections.

What Role Do Eyewitness Accounts Play In These Cases?

Eyewitness accounts can be crucial in establishing the facts of the case. However, they are just one part of the evidence the criminal Court will consider.

Can Charges Be Dropped If The Victim Forgives The Accused?

Forgiveness from the victim may have some influence, but it does not automatically lead to charges being dropped. The prosecution may still proceed if they believe it serves the public interest.

How Does Singapore Law Differentiate Between Minor And Grievous Hurt?

Grievous hurt involves more serious forms of injury, such as fractures, permanent disfiguring, or injuries that lead to severe health risks. Minor hurt would be less severe forms of bodily pain or injuries.

Are Minors Treated Differently Under This Law?

Yes, minors may be subject to different legal procedures and penalties, often focused more on rehabilitation than punishment. However, the specific circumstances will vary from case to case.

What If The Accused Is A First-Time Offender?

Being a first-time offender may impact the case, such as receiving a lighter sentence or alternative options like probation. However, this is not guaranteed and depends on the specifics of the case and its severity.

About the author

About the author

Jonathan Wong

Jonathan is the Founder and Managing Director of Tembusu Law. He is also the founder of LawGuide Singapore, a prominent legaltech startup which successfully created and launched Singapore’s first legal chatbot in 2017.


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